M365 CLD 401: Cloud Computing with Microsoft 365

The Cloud is a term that gets thrown around a lot by computer people, but that also leaves many non-tech people scratching their heads. What is it? Where is it? You’ll learn that and more in this class.

Teams has become the de facto method of holding virtual meetings in the Cloud, but it can do so much more. In this class you’ll learn how to create meetings, work in Teams and even make a video phone call.

OneNote promises that we can throw away our paper notebooks and legal pads and jump into the modern age with electronic note taking. You’ll learn how to create specialized notebooks and share them with others, as well as how to categorize your information for quick retrieval.

Forms is the easy way to gather data from a group of people and report it back out in a perfect Excel spreadsheet everytime. You’ll learn the fundamentals of creating a form in the Cloud, as well as how to create different types of form questions and restrict the answers that people give you.

  • Orientation
  • Accessing the Cloud
  • Security
  • M365 Interface
  • Synchronization
  • Cloud vs Desktop: Where are you?
  • Sharing Files from the Cloud
  • What is Teams/What can you do with Teams?
  • Navigating the Teams Interface
  • Terminology Review
  • Teams Meetings
  • Meeting Tools
  • Creating Meetings
  • Communicating with Teams
  • Getting Started with OneNote
  • Sections and Pages
  • Content Creation
  • Sharing Notebooks
  • Getting Started with Forms
  • Mapping Out a Form Begins with the Results
  • Types of Form Fields
  • Creating Forms
  • Form Responses