Accessible Documents

Problem PDFs and Solutions

 All of the theory in the world cannot prepare you for some of the oddball problems that you will encounter making a PDF accessible. In this workshop you’ll discover how to deal with table column headers that span multiple columns, tagging issues that are disguised as alternate text issues, missing Read more…

Accessible PDFs and Forms

Picking up where the first class left off, Accessible PDFs and Forms dives straight into documents supplied by real world users. Attendees will tackle remediating troublesome scanned documents, creating accessible fill-in-the-blank PDFs, and working with document packages that have some of the most troublesome accessibility challenges built into them. Most Read more…

Creating Accessible Documents

Beginning with the simple explanation of what accessibility means and why it is important, attendees learn to build accessible documents using Microsoft Office 365 and Adobe Acrobat Pro DC. Common stumbling blocks like alt text, repetitive blank characters and document structure will be addressed, and simple PDF documents will be Read more…

Fillable Forms, Org Charts and Links

Tackling the ā€œhardā€ topics of accessibility, this final class will put any employee over the goal line when it comes to creating accessible documents. No stone is left un-turned in problem solving involved documents. Form Prep Tools Fillable Forms and Screen Readers Creating Fillable PDFs Working with Links Converting Organization Read more…

In-Depth Look at Complex Tables

Tables are one of the most challenging aspects of making complex PDFs accessible to all audiences. This class will look in-depth at the methods of converting table heavy documents into easily accessible formats. Working with Tables in PDFs Simple Table Errors and How to Fix Complex Table Errors and How Read more…

Document Structure in Office and Acrobat

Moving published Word documents to PDF and addressing common issues that crop up. Published PDF -Accessibility Check Intro to Tags Panel Common Errors in and How to Fix Manual Checks Accessibility Report

Tables and Scanned Documents

Adding Tables and Structure an accessible Microsoft Word document using Office 365; plus reviewing the methods of creating a PDF from the Word document. This is part two of a two-part class on creating accessible Word documents. Table Formatting & Usage Table Content & Structure Moving to PDF Tools for Read more…

Simple Accessible Documents

Introduction to how to create an accessible Microsoft Word document using Office 365. This is part one of a two-part class on creating accessible Word documents. Document Properties Alt Text for Objects Null Alt Text What kinds of objects are repetitive? Content

Overview of Accessible Documents

Primarily a presentation meant to explain what accessibility is, what the rules are, and how the parts play together. Useful for newcomers and managers who need to understand what their staff are up against when making documents accessible. Accessibility in a Nutshell Who is Accessibility For? Accessibility Checkers File Formats Read more…

Special Use Cases for PDFs

Almost the first question out of everyone’s mouth during accessibility is “but what aboutā€¦?” and this session will answer those questions. You’ll learn how to work with special requirements of legal documents and how to deal with multi-lingual documents.

Making PDFs Accessible

Accessible PDFs can be very simple to create, as you’ll learn in this session. The class will review the basics of accessible PDFs and remediate a document on letterhead. Assuming you have started with an accessible Microsoft Office document which you learned about in previous classes, you will also get Read more…

Document Clarity and Legibility in Microsoft Office

Round out your understanding of creating accessible documents with the tools and techniques to be certain any reader can access your content. This class will also introduce the special information you need to know to create accessible Excel and PowerPoint documents.

Accessible Tables and Document Structure in Microsoft Office

Everyone depends on the ability to skim through a document and find information quickly, no matter their need to use assistive technology. Learn the basics of tables and heding structure in Office, and simultaneously save yourself work in the PDF standard.

Get Started Making Documents Accessible in Microsoft Office

Learn what everyone is talking about when they mention accessible documents, and how you can start making your documents accessible as soon as today! You’ll experience first-hand what it’s like for one person to use assistive technology and understand how crucial the work you do for accessibility is to people Read more…